Your Trainer
Born July 20, 1955, in Italy
Raised in Orillia, Ontario, Canada
living in Munich (Germany) since 1987
native English speaker, fluent in German and Italian
"Sports have been my lifetime-compasion. First, my career as a tennis professional led me to all five continents. Then, I celebrated great success as National Coach of Germany’s Wheelchair Tennis Teams, at the 1996 Atlanta (USA) Paralympic Games, then at the 1998 World Championships, held in Barcelona (Spain).
In the beginning out of personal interest and later as a trainer, I began to take interest in physical and mental well-being as well as the secrets of a healthy, balanced diet – a knowledge that I was able to consolidate in the course of time. Now, my education as a Personal Trainer allows me to impart my experience in training, together with my knowledge in sports medicine." (Vincenzo Vavala)
Employment History:
- Head Coach, „Munich Sports Club Association”
- Director of Tennis in the United Arab Emirates, Yemen,
Hawaii, Canada, Puerto Rico, Fiji, Guam and Austria
(Peter Burwash International) - National Coach of Fiji
- National Coach of the German Wheelchair Tennis Federation
Professional Qualifications:
- Personal Fitness Trainer (VAPT), Glucker Kolleg, Stuttgart (Germany)
- Head Instructor Back Training, Glucker Kolleg, Stuttgart (Germany)
- Nutritionist, Glucker Kolleg, Stuttgart (Germany)
- trained as an Instructor at the German Sport University,
Cologne (Germany) - Nordic Walking Trainer,
Federation of Germany’s Nordic Walking Academies (VDNOWAS) - Golfers Fit, Glucker Kolleg, Stuttgart (Germany)
- Member of the German Golf Federation (DGV)
- Qualified Tennis Professional,
German Tennis Teachers Association (VDT) - Member of the advisory team, German Tennis Federation (DTB)
- Professional 1, United States Professional Tennis Association (USPTA)